Friday 29 May 2015

Ponnangani (Green Colour) Keerai Thuvaiyal

An authentic South Indian, spicy tangy side-dish for lunch times!!

Ponnangani (Green Colour) Keerai Thuvaiyal

Ponnanganni Keera - 3 to 4 handful
Grated coconut - 2 tsp
Lemon Juice few drops (If not available use Tamarind paste 1 tsp)
Salt to taste

For seasoning
Cooking Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Urad dal  - 1 tsp
Asafetida - 1 pinch
Green chilies – 2 or 3 as per taste
Ginger - 1 inch piece
Curry leaves – 5 or 6 numbers

Collect the Ponnanganni leaves from its stems and wash them well 2 or 3 times in water.

In a Frying pan put 1 tsp of cooking oil and fry the ingredients listed for seasoning.
Add the keera sauté for 2 to 3 minutes until the raw smell disappears.
Now switch off the flame and add grated coconut with the mixture.
Wait till the fried items come to room temperature.
Put the mixture along with Lemon juice or Tamarind paste and salt into a mixer jar and grind coarsely. Do not add water while grinding.
Now the dish is ready to serve.

This thuvayal is a good side dish for Sambar rice

Health benefits
Ponnanganni Keerai – Improves eye sight, good for improving complexion - rich in iron, calcium,
Vitamin A, anti-oxidants and veg proteins

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