Sunday 31 May 2015

Four Layers Smoothie

Turn the normal items at your home into enjoyable recipes for your children. Lay off some heat!!

Four Layers Smoothie

Ingredients (serves for 2 to 3 members)
Ripe Banana – 1 to 3 no’s as per size
Chocolate powder or Chocolate syrup – as per taste
Ripe Mango – 1 to 3 no’s as per size
Palm sugar powder or White Sugar – as per taste
Fresh Curd - 1 to 2 cups
Vanilla Essence – few drops (Optional)
Watermelon or Muskmelon Juice as per taste (whichever is available)

For decoration (as per availability)
Grated Chocolate
Badam (Almonds)
Pistachios (Pista)
Cashew nuts 

Make smooth paste of the following (using mixer grinder), separately one by one
Ripe Bananas and Chocolate Powder or Syrup (If Bananas are not so sweet add some palm Sugar or White Sugar)
Ripe Mangos (If Mangos are not so sweet add some palm Sugar or White Sugar)
Fresh Curd with some sugar and vanilla essence
Watermelon or Muskmelon into a juice

Transfer the above into a glass bowl one by one in the same order (heavy ones first).
The quantity of each item to be used is optional and as per taste.
Decorate with grated chocolate and other items listed in decoration on the top layer.
Keep them in fridge for some time and serve cool.

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